Thursday, 9 June 2011

Visual Name Tags: Xposure Show.

It wasn't only Seam-Zine at Xposure Show 2011, we where exhibiting alongside 29 other creative projects. 

Included in these were Jonathan James Johnson, and Rebecca Parker whose photography can also be found inside Seam-Zine. Check out more of their work by clicking on the link below their visual name tag.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Seam-Zine at Xposure Show.

Seam-zine was on display at Xposure Show: London May 2011, and has had a great response ever since. 

For all of those who didn't make it to London you can find us at Pittville Degree Show in Cheltenham for one more day tomorrow.

Thursday, 19 May 2011


Seam-Zine made it to the printer and we now have 50 copies ready for the Xposure Degree show. 
Make sure to come down next Tuesday to see the 'zine launch and 29 other great creative photography projects
(See the invite below for details).

A special thankyou to all of the amazing contributors, without you this project would never have happened or come out so great!!!

Monday, 9 May 2011



Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Lovely Little Print Company.

We have chosen our desired print company.

With final touches being made to images, and finished photography ready and waiting to go onto the page layout we are VERY excited to send Seam-Zine's finished design off to STROMA to be printed in a newspaper style!!!