Thursday, 9 June 2011

Visual Name Tags: Xposure Show.

It wasn't only Seam-Zine at Xposure Show 2011, we where exhibiting alongside 29 other creative projects. 

Included in these were Jonathan James Johnson, and Rebecca Parker whose photography can also be found inside Seam-Zine. Check out more of their work by clicking on the link below their visual name tag.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Seam-Zine at Xposure Show.

Seam-zine was on display at Xposure Show: London May 2011, and has had a great response ever since. 

For all of those who didn't make it to London you can find us at Pittville Degree Show in Cheltenham for one more day tomorrow.

Thursday, 19 May 2011


Seam-Zine made it to the printer and we now have 50 copies ready for the Xposure Degree show. 
Make sure to come down next Tuesday to see the 'zine launch and 29 other great creative photography projects
(See the invite below for details).

A special thankyou to all of the amazing contributors, without you this project would never have happened or come out so great!!!

Monday, 9 May 2011



Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Lovely Little Print Company.

We have chosen our desired print company.

With final touches being made to images, and finished photography ready and waiting to go onto the page layout we are VERY excited to send Seam-Zine's finished design off to STROMA to be printed in a newspaper style!!!

Sunday, 17 April 2011

New Contributor: Sophie Berry

Seam-Zine is proud to welcome SOPHIE BERRY and her beautiful illustration's to our collective.

As Sophie's usual subject's are completely distant from fashion imagery we cannot wait to see what beautiful spin on fashion she can illustrate for Seam-Zine.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

NEW. Castro Smith:

Castro Smith: Seam-Zine is happy to announce we have a new contributor in our team. Castro Smith will be bringing his beautifully vibrant designs to our 'Zine to brighten up our pages.

To see more of his stunning work please visit:


Monday, 28 March 2011


SEAMZINE: To allow young creatives to seam their love and view on fashion together artistically.

Collectively we all have a highly individual views from our own professional experiences. Between us we have assisted for companies such as GQ magazine, Men's Health magazine, and Touch Digital. Assisted for photographers such as Miles Aldridge, Tim Flach, and Sandro Sodano.

Now, Seam-zine has become our showcase to display what we can do creatively.

Maria-Luisa Piliero:

Maria-Luisa Piliero: Maria is using her vast knowledge of photography, design and 'zines to art direct Seam-zine, bringing everyone's vision and creativity together into one art/fashion fused magazine.

To see more of Maria's photographic works please visit:

Friday, 25 March 2011

Dean Jode:

Dean Jode. Deans photographs, no matter what his subject, never fail to hold his personal aesthetic. 
Refusing to work on digital Dean's mission to 'keep it film' has found him defacing average,everyday film camera's to change the way the light effects his film, as well as many other disloyal solutions of how to best use tradition techniques. 

Follow Dean's way of shooting out of a traditional camera:


Thursday, 24 March 2011

Matthew Healy:

Matthew Healy: Matthew Healy is an amazing fashion photographer who is beginning to make a great name for himself. I believe Matthew brings his images to life by his attention to detail, from his selective casting to his rigorous post production. 

To view more of Matthews work please visit:

Willow Williams, Matthew Healy: Frater

Over the past few years Matthew Healy and Willow Williams have collaberated on many projects, recently moving into moving image. Their latest project was to produce Frater's SS11 moving image look book.
Frater clothing is an up and coming fashion brand who both Matthew and Willow have worked with creatively for over a year.

Willow Williams:

Willow Williams: A passionate fashion photographer with a different view on his subjects, Willow takes all photographic conventions and shoots in the opposite direction creating aesthetically stunning imagery.

For more of Willow's photography please visit: